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What's Happening
The newsletter for switched on people
Issue 21 April 2000

Customer Service - I'm Impressed!

Recently, as I was the customer, I experienced the service that we as humans love.

Just before we started to renovate at home, I thought of all the unpleasant stories I was told from friends about renovating.

Now in the scheme of renovations this was not a big one, even if it did sound like a heard of elephants on the roof at 7am each Saturday morning.

It wasn’t until one night that our builder demonstrated the customer service that we develop with clients employees.

10pm and a storm hits, the clouds open up and for fifteen minutes rain pelts down.  Then just before 10.30pm as we were busily putting down towels to soak up the water that had come through the roof, the phone rang.

When I answered, I heard the builder say ‘Sam are you ok?’

After I recovered from the shock I thought to myself why am I so impressed with this service?

He exceeded my expectations but he did more than that, he impressed me.

Would I recommend this builder?  Sure!  Would I use him again?  Definitely!

We often ask organisations what would happen to their service when representatives impress their customers on every contact?


Building the Right Call Centre & Retaining the Right People

There are many factors which contribute to the success of a new call centre business.  These include; Project Management, Site Location, Technology, Staffing and Design.

Our key area of particular interest is staffing.  Of course selecting the right people is critical but how do you keep these employees, in employment markets which are hard pressed to find them in the first place?
Well a recent article I was reading in the TELCALL magazine suggests that professional development is the key.

It’s the key not only because the organisation benefits from new behaviours but it offers employees the opportunity for personal development which many workplaces (after induction) do not provide.

On average it costs around $10,000 to replace a call centre employee. Retaining them with professional development programs save money, lowers costs and provides a better return on initial investment.


Personally Speaking

This month I would like to give a very warm welcome to our new clients who are both official sponsors of the 2000 Olympic Games.  Time Inc (part of the AOL Time Warner group) and two other business of Telstra Corporation, Reachout and Interact.  So, until May, take care

Kind regards,
Sam Day


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